Page 4 - CinemaRecord Edition 3-2002 #37
P. 4

                       C A  T  H S          Letters

                 HISTORICAL                SOCIETY
                       VICTORIA  INC.
                  ABN 37 195 378 179
                    Reg A0020747R           New Member                         My suggestions for a revised table:
           The aims of CATHS are: to record the    oday I received from Eddie  (includes other new information)
           history of cinemas and theatres, and to  TRevel – ex Mansfield cinema, a  Kalee 11 Apollo Hawthorn (later
           promote interest in theatre heritage and  copy of your interesting magazine. I  moved to Centennial Hall
           architecture, and other related areas.
                                            was introduced to Eddie by Mr Ray           East Malvern),
                       Patrons:             Denison who once owned the Victa
           Frank Van Straten OAM  Peter Smith  theatre at Victor Harbour. I enclose a   Regal Hartwell
           Elaine Marriner      Philip Brady                                   Kalee 19  Australia Collins St.
                                            cheque to start my subscription to
                     Committee:             CinemaRecord.                      or 20    Grosvenor (19) (then to
           President: Gerry Kennedy 5174 1870                                           Times Bourke St)
                                            Darrel Norley, Adelaide S.A.
           Vice President: Peter Wolfenden 9744 2570                                    Majestic Flinders St.
           Secretary: Mike Trickett 5278 1986                                           Odeon Bourke St. (20)
           Treasurer: Barrie Wraith 9435 9785  Kalee Corrections                        Regent Collins St. (20).
                         ★                         he history of Kalee in the last      Astor St Kilda (20)
           Archivist: Gerry Kennedy 5174 1870  Tissue was a model for technical         Broadway Elwood (19)
           Central Victoria Co-ordinator:   writing. However the table needs a little
           Fred Page 5444 0428  (Bendigo)   clarification. The situation with Kalee     Hoyts Croyden
           Gippsland Co-ordinator:          21 in Victoria was identical to that of     Kinema, Albert Park
           Gerry Kennedy 5174 1870  (Traralgon)                                         Orient Heidelberg
           Events Co-ordinator:             New Zealand - the model 21 was a rare
           Brian Miller 9557 7446           breed only found in a few theatres and      Rivoli Camberwell ?
           Film Buffs Group:                usually towards the end of their life.      Sunshine Sunshine
           Mike Trickett 5278 1986          Even at the State in Flinders Street the    Victoria North Richmond
           Publications Sales:              machines did not come with the              (then to Valhalla Richmond)
           Garry Saunders 9812 7227
           Membership Secretary: Peter O’Reilly  streamlined casing shown in            Victory St Kilda (20)
       advertisements for this model.              Village Toorak (20)
           CinemaRecord Editor:                I have no personal experience of         Koroit Koroit
           Ian Smith                        country theatre installations but have a
                                                        Ozone Mildura
           CATHS website:                   hunch that few theatres got 21’s.           Plaza Wagga Wagga
                     There was double counting in the         Regal Benalla
           Postal address:                  table. The machines at the Grosvenor
           PO Box 476, Bentleigh 3204.                                                  Rex Daylesford
                                            Little Collins St. were transferred to the
                         ★                  Times Newsreel after the closure of         Town Hall Swan Hill
           Membership                       their first home. Similarly those at the  Kalee 21 Bercy Bourke St. ?
           Annual membership subscription is $35,  Victoria North Richmond were later   State Flinders St.
           and members receive four copies of  moved to the Valhalla Richmond.          Regent Swan Hill
           CinemaRecord, notification of events,  Dates of service in a particular theatre
           and copies of the agenda and minutes  would be a refinement.        Don Kennedy, Port Melbourne. Vic.
           of all meetings. There is no joining fee.  Additions to the table include -  Interstate Support
           Overseas subscribers: Please contact  Broadway Elwood, Regent Collins
           CATHS Membership Secretary for rate.  Street, Victory St Kilda, Village  had just written to Kevin Adams
           Meetings                         Toorak and the Regal Hartwell. In     I and was ready to post the letter
           Meetings are held on the last Sunday of                             when the current issue of Cinema
                                            publicity for the opening of the Regal
           February, April, June, August, October &                            Record arrived with the news that
                                            in 1937 the theatre was described as the
           November.                                                           Kevin had resigned as Editor. However
                                            embodiment of the latest in technology
           Archive                                                             my comments still apply.
                                            yet the projectors were Kalee 11, first
           The Archive is located in the Prahran                                  As one Editor to another may I
                                            marketed in 1933! The model must
           Mechanical Institute, 140 High Street                               commend you, Kevin and the past
                                            have been considered to be as good as
           Prahran, 9510 3393. The Archive will                                editors on the quality of Cinema
                                            was needed.
           be open between 9.30am and 1pm on                                   Record. You are producing an excellent
                                               I have doubts about whether the
           the Saturday before each meeting (see                               magazine full of interesting articles and
           above), and at other times by    Rivoli Camberwell ever had Kalee   news items. I often feel that there is so
           appointment with the archivist.  equipment, but would defer to other  little commendation for the good things
           Publications                     opinion on this. The theatre had Super  in life, as the ugly side always seems to
           Back issues of CinemaRecord, other  Standard projectors for some years.
                                                                               receive top billing. Newspapers, TV
           publications, CDs and videos are    Kalees were never in service at the
                                                                               and movies are prime examples of
           available at meetings. Items are also  Kings Russell St. This theatre had  promoting second rate articles and
           available by mail. Please contact Garry  Super Standard projectors with Peerless
           Saunders on 9812 7227 for details.  arcs and R.C.A. sound.          productions as can be seen with ABC-
                                                                               TV and what it calls comedy.
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