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New Screen At Rosalie             Unique Dive-in Theatre             St Kilda’s Love-Hate Triangle
            The Blue Room Boutique Cinemas     No, not a misprint, but a way to   Argument continues over what sort
          at Rosalie are adding a third screen to  watch new release movies while sitting  of development the St Kilda triangle
          seat 60.                          poolside at the Macquarie Waters Hotel  needs to be to retain ‘St Kilda-ness’.
                                            and Apartments, Port Macquarie.       Although its future seems assured,
          New Six-Plex
                                               The screen is on one wall of the  the Palais theatre is not without its
            Palace Cinemas will open their new
                                            indoor pool - not actually underwater -  critics. Journalist Julie Szego in The
          complex in September, while retaining
                                            so diving in will break your       Age (10 May 2007) says it is no global
          their four-plex in James Street.
                                            concentration, but the gimmick is said  landmark. ‘We love the old dame
          NEW SOUTH WALES                   to be a hit with the kids.         simply because she holds our
          New Reading Cinemas                                                  memories’.
            A nine-screen Reading complex   VICTORIA                              The Linden Contemporary Art
          opened 9April in the Sydney suburb of  Reprieve For La Mama          Gallery is earmarked for the Palais
                                               At the eleventh hour shopkeepers
          Rouse Hill.                                                          forecourt and will feature the word ‘St
                                            and residents chipped in with donations  Kilda’ in brickwork styled on the
            The complex has the first 3D Dolby
                                            to help the quirky playhouse La Mama  facade of Leo’s spaghetti bar in Fitzroy
          Digital system in Australia in one
                                            in Faraday Street Carlton raise the  Street.
          cinema. Another first for this part of
                                            deposit to buy the freehold.
          Sydney is three Gold Lounge cinemas.                                    The boutique hotel earmarked for
                                               The theatre company, which for  the rear wall of the Palais will carry a
          Beverly Hills: Six For St James   forty years has work-shopped plays and  sculpture of a Sidney Nolan sketch of
            The St James, in operation since  ideas, some of which became great  Luna Park in black rolled steel.
          1940, is being converted to a complex  theatre and films - Lantana, The Club,  A late and welcome idea is an open-
          of six cinemas. The additional screens  Dons Party - has a loyal following.   air skating rink to be located on the
          will be built next door.
                                               When lawyers acting for the late  Upper Esplanade, reviving memories of
            Cinemeccanica projection will be  owner gave the artistic director Liz  the St Moritz.
          installed in three separate bio boxes.   Jones first rights to purchase, even the
          Tamworth: A New Cinema            deposit was beyond the company's   TASMANIA
            A new cinema complex is planned  means, but publicity about the theatre's  Albert Hall Rocks
          for this north-west town. In what is  plight brought results.
          now an almost standard approach to   The theatre must deliver the deposit
          entertainment facilities, the plans  ($127,000) by May 28 and then has
          include provision for live theatre and  120 days to pay the balance.
          concerts in one of the auditoriums.  From Cinemas to Lecture
          Similar features were built into the  Theatres
          Paramount at Echuca, in Colac and
                                               The former Lumiere Lonsdale
          other regional towns.                                                   After a nervous period in which its
                                            Street - once the most adventurous of
                                                                               future seemed uncertain, Launceston’s
          Sydney’s Regent Remembered        the city’s art-house cinemas - opened  Albert Hall has been the venue for
            The Regent, demolished some 18  on 3 April as lecture theatres for the  three big shows in a row.
          years ago, was fondly remembered in  Central Queensland University's    The lighting demands for modern
          an historic event held in the Sydney  Melbourne campus. The three-screen  concerts show-up deficiencies that need
          suburb of Hurstville.             cinema closed in 2005 and the      attention if the building is to have a
            John Atkinson purchased the     university took over in 2006.      secure future.
          Wurlitzer organ in the 1960s, fully  A $1.4m. refurbishment has         For the Joe Cocker show, two arc
          restored the instrument and had it  transformed the three auditoriums by  plants were brought in to supply power.
          incorporated it into his specially built  way of light and bright colours, a far
          house.                            cry from the old days.             Upgrade at the Princess
            A large crowd was entertained in  Rado Crowd Move On                  The installation of reverse cycle air-
          John’s theatrette, where the organ is the  Theatre groups left without a  conditioning in the foyers and
          prime attraction. The concert included a  meeting place after closure of the the  auditorium at Launceston’s Princess
          power point presentation about the  Erwin Rado Theatre (see page 8)  has solved a problem that dogged the
          former Regent. This home theatrette is  didn't let moss grow under their feet.   theatre for years. At the same time a
          also a fully equipped cinema.        Thanks to the efforts of Ross   new roof was put over the auditorium.
                                                                                  Part two of the project will be
          Regional Losses                   Campbell, the Rado Room upstairs at
            At Forbes the Parkview Cinema   Mama Vittoria restaurant, hosts the  undertaken next summer when air-
          closed on 4 March 2008. The building  International Film Society, Australian  conditioning will be installed
          is for sale.                      Bing Crosby Society, Al Jolson Society
                                            and the Richard Wagner Society.
            At Glen Innes, word on the
          grapevine is that the former Roxy is
          marked for demolition to make way for
          a McDonalds restaurant. The Roxy
          hasn’t operated as a cinema for years.

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