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                                                    News Reel

          Cerberus: SC Cinema Reopens                            Chadstone: Hoyts Redevelopment
          The Southern  Cross Cinema at  the  Cerberus  Naval  Base on   Redevelopment of the Hoyts Chad stone 8 Multiplex began earlier
          Western  Port Bay has  re-opened  for public screenings.  The   this  year,  with  refurbishment now completed  of three of its
          refurbished cinema is screening regularly on Tuesday, Friday and   cinemas.  A fourth  cinema is  presently  undergoing  renovations,
          Saturday evenings with a Saturday Matinee screening fortnightly.   with  the remaining  four to be completed by  later this year.  Also,
          Tuesday and Saturday evenings  feature  the  same  program,  with   eight additional new cinemas are currently under construction and
          the Friday evening offering an  alternative fllm  (which will  be the   witb the refurbished cinemas, Hoyts Chadstone will become a  16
          same as  the Saturday matinee movie when  there  is  a matinee   screen  megaplex.  The new  cinemas will  include a  500 seat
          screening that week).                                  cinema as the largest.
          The original cinema was a large two-level theatre with seating for   Hoyts Chadstone,  which  was Australia's  first  large suburban
          1000  people  and  was  one of the oldest of its  style. The   multiplex,  is ope rating  as  a  7  screen  mu ltiplex  while  the
          refurbishment  involved  converting the downstairs stalls area to a   redevelopment is taking place. Work is expected to be completed
          studio which is used by the naval band. and locating the cinema in   before Christmas this year.
          the old  upstairs  balcony section. The cinema is  designed  in  a
          modem  style and  seats  270.  The original 35mm  projectors  have   Camberwell: Village Rivoli
          been reconditioned and are still in use.               Redevelopment
          Entrance to the Southern Cross Cinema is from South Beach Road,
                                                                 A  private screening of Paramount's  War and  Peace  was held on
          Cerberus  Naval  Establishment, West Gate Entrance (opposite
                                                                 Sunday evening 25th April, to mark the last day of screenings at
          Davies Road).  No day  passes  are required  and there  is  ample car
                                                                 the  Vil lage  Rivoli  Twin  before  closing  for  extensive
          parking. The cinema can be contacted on:( 03) 5950 7750.
                                                                 redevelopment. About fifty fom1er and present staff of the Rivoli
          By Martin Powell. imen1iew with Alison from Cerberus 19th May 1999.   attended  t11e  screening  in  Cinema One.  Guests  included  former
                                                                 organist at  the  Rivoli,  Bruce Ardley,  ushers, projectionists.
          Echuca: New Performing Arts                            managers other staff, and CA THS members.
          Centre and Multiplex                                   The Rivoli in Camberwell Road opened  in  1940 and  was twinned
                                                                 in  1967.  Village Cinemas Australia bought the cinema in  the
          A new performing arts centre with multiplex cinemas is  proposed
                                                                 l960fs.  It  has  become renowned  for  screening art  house/quality
          for Echuca. The project  wil l  be a joint  venture of the Shire of   films and is a favourite cinema of many movie-goers who love its
          Campaspe and the operator of the Warragul  Cinema Centre. The
                                                                 beautiful art deco architecture.
          complex will incorporate a 450 seat dual-purpose auditorium (live
          productions and cinema) and three cinemas. Two of the  cinemas   The extensive redevelopment  will  include adding six screens.
          will each seat about  I 00, and a third cinema will seat  180 to 200.   increasing the seating from  1200 to  1700. removing some of the
          The main  auditorium  and  the  largest  cinema  will  both  be   1960fs  renovations  and  bringing  the  building closer to 311  deco
          equipped  with digital sound.  Kinoton projectors wi ll  be installed.   architecture. The  plans  include a  new period  staircase  to
          and Camatic seating used throughout the complex.       complement the existing origimll staircase. The $14 million dollar
                                                                 refurbishment  will  tum the cinema into  what  Village calls the
          We understand that the centre will operate as a 4 cinema complex
                                                                 biggest  arthouse  cinema  complex  in  the  world.  The
          most of the year.  with  the Council having use of the  main
                                                                 redevelopment. which will  include a new car park for  150 cars, is
          auditorium  for at least  100 days of the year. The new centre will
                                                                 expected to be completed by Christmas this year.
          replace  the  existing council-owned  Paramount Theatre. The
          Paramount site will be put up for sale to help fund council"s share   From CATHS member Alan Windley and The Age 27 April/999.
          of the proposed cost of the new centre (budgeted at $5 million).
                                                                 Melbourne: Capitol Theatre News
          The facade  of the  complex  is  to  be  in  an  art deco design.  The
          location of the proposed centre is in  High Street. on an old school   RMIT University. who recently bought the Capitol Theatre, have
          site. The Echuca Perfom1ing  Arts  Cemre is expected  to open  in   appointed Robyn  Oswaid-Jacobs to coordinate development  and
          early December 1999 with work starting shortly.        use of the theatre.  Robyn  has  recently  been appointed  Major
                                                                 Projects  Manager with  the  Corporate  affairs  group  at  the
          By Marrin Powell. intervieu· wi1fl Graham Hollingl,.orrh From the   University,  and  the Capitol Theatre  is  her first  project.  She  is
          Warragul Cinema Cenlre.  19th  May  1999.  Thanks 10  Jon  and   currently  meeting  with  a  wide  range  of individuals  and
          Julie Medlin for forwarding the news of tlte Echuca project. and   organisations  who  have  been  involved  with  the Capito.!  Theatre
          also 10 Steve McDonnell for additional information.    and with campaigns to save it.

          Maryborough: Paramount New                             Robyn  said  that  community access  10  the  Capitol  for  use  as  a
          Screen                                                 cinema and  theatre  venue  is  an  important  part of the  project.
                                                                 Pol icy on operation of the venue is cun·emly being developed. For
          The  Paramount Cinema at  Maryborough  has  recently  opened a   much  of the  time.  RMIT  will  be using  the  Capitol  as  a  lecture
          second screen.  The theatre,  which  had  been  refurbished  three   theatre and for conferences etc.
          years ago, runs six nights a week and during school holidays. We
                                                                 During  Heritage  Week  in  April.  RMIT  posted  a  Capitol
          believe that the front  of the building is about  to have a  historical
                                                                 information page on the  RMIT website.  You can visit the  page at
          order placed on  it.
          Forwarded by .Jon and .lulll! Medlin.
                                                                 Robyn  is  currently  preparing a special. stand-alone,  website  for

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