Page 23 - CinemaRecord Edition 3-2002 #37
P. 23

4 frame (16

             Single blade,                                                                      Detachable gate
               fast cut-off

                                                                                                4 frame (16

          Birth Of The GK40                     The first of the post war projectors  been conceived as a whole. The
            A wartime No. 15 was developed   was the Gaumont - Kalee 21. The    separate major parts have been so
          (1940) as the Dome Trainer, a dome-  first complete installation was  blended that they no longer have a
          shaped structure in which the      scheduled to open in January 1947 at  separate identity, but merge into one
          conditions of aerial combat were   the Gaumont Palace Plymouth.       functional piece of equipment of
          simulated. It was later known as the  The projector and arc lamp were  dignified and impressive appearance.
          GK40. This had a rear disc shutter.   made at the Kershaw factory with the  This homogeneity of outline is not
            A modification of the GK40 with  sound head, amplifier and speakers  obtained by the employment of
          different paint finish and more chrome,  from  British Acoustic Films. Taylor  cowlings, but is an integral, inherent
          became the GK18. All the projectors  and Hobson supplied the lenses. The  feature of design. Accessibility to all
          so far were 'dry' machines, except for  equipment continued to be marketed as  parts is immediate and complete.’
          the Nos. 11 and 12, which had an oil  Kalee.                             Certainly appearance had been a
          bath construction.                    The technical data sheet for the  factor, with the art deco influence in
            In 1939 Lord Rank became         Kalee 21 reads, ‘For the first time the  industrial design resulting in geometric
          Chairman of Gaumont British through  exhibitor is offered equipment of clean  angles and curves with horizontal
          his company's shareholding in the  outline where the shape and function  lines. Exhibitors still had the option of
          16mm division of G.B. Equipments.  of each component has been studied in  using components of other
          With the merging of the Odeon and  relation to the other components.  manufacture with the equipment.
          Gaumont British chains in 1945, the  Instead of a stand to which has been  However, Kalee had struck middle
          new organisation took over Kershaws  added with little ingenuity and less  ground between two opposite
          and another firm specialising in sound  artistry a soundhead, projector and  philosophies in design.
          equipment - British Acoustic Films.   arc lamp, the Gaumont-Kalee 21 has

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