Page 14 - CinemaRecord Cover Section # 45
P. 14


              75                                   YEARS

                                                                               these bands, and the varying light
             The Start Of Sound And The 'Lost' Issues 1929 - 1930.             transmitted by the film's soundtrack
                                                                               would be converted back into sound via
                               By Chris Long
                                                                               a photo-electric cell, amplifier and
            On 8 August 1929, the Fox
          Movietone Newsreel's mobile sound                                    Australia's slow conversion for
          van number 41 arrived in Sydney
                                                                                  Most of the Australian Movietone
          aboard the SS Sierra, with cameraman
                                                                               Newsreel items made in the first
          Ray Vaughan and sound engineer Paul
                                                                               eighteen months of local talkie
          Hance. It was the second optical sound
                                                                               production are also lost, probably as a
          film production unit to reach Australia,
                                                                               result of fires at their associated Sydney
          and it was the first unit to regularly
                                                                               film processing lab, Filmcraft, in
          release locally made sound films on an
                                                                               December 1929 and again in 1931.
          ongoing basis.
                                                                                  Another possible reason for the
            One earlier experimental optical
                                                                               rarity of the early editions of
          sound-on-film camera had been
                                                                               Australian Movietone News can be
          imported to Sydney. This was brought
                                                                               ascribed to the local cinema industry's
          from America by the pioneering De
                                                                               slow changeover to sound. The first
          Forest Phonofilm concern in April  Cameraman Ray Vaughan on arrival in
          1927. It was used by the visiting  Sydney with the Movietone sound camera,  talkie cinemas were wired in Sydney in
          American sound engineer Harry Jones  8 August 1929. In the original printing,  December 1928, but smaller exhibitors
          to make a few demonstration talkie  the photo was ‘flipped’. This is the correct  monitored the commercial results of the
          'shorts' in Australia between April and  view. Source: Everyones, Sydney,14  city try-outs before taking the leap. Few
          June 1927. They were subsequently  August 1929 p.7.                  Australian cinemas other than city first-
          shown as novelty items in the few city                               run venues had wired for sound by the
          theatres temporarily wired by the De  One important item featured the  end of 1929.
          Forest Company to exhibit them. In  Duke of York landing in Sydney and  Even the local Fox talkie newsreel
          Melbourne this was the Majestic in  subsequently speaking at the opening of  of the commercially 'hot' November
          Flinders Street.                  Parliament House in Canberra, with  1929 Melbourne Cup only required
                                            Nellie Melba singing the National  twenty prints to cover all of their
                                            Anthem. This was the only known    Australasian outlets (Everyones, 21
                                            occasion on which Melba was filmed  August 1929 p.9).
                                            with sound. No Australian talkies made  By 11 June 1930 the situation was
                                            by De Forest are currently known to  only slightly better, Everyones now
                                            survive.                           listed 350 out of Australia's 1250
                                               Movietone and De Forest both used  cinemas (28 %) as wired for sound. By
                                            the 'glow tube' system of recording  December 1930 the number increased
                                            optical sound on film. That is, the  sharply to 837 out of 1250 (67%), but a
                                            system's audio amplifier fed a gas  significant proportion were still only
                                            discharge or aeolight lamp shining  wired for Vitaphone synchronised disc
                                            through a slit onto the moving film in  soundtracks, exemplified by the system
                                            the camera. The light would flash in  used for The Jazz Singer. Disc-only
                                            sympathy with the sound hitting the  venues could not show the optical
                                            microphone, recording the sound on  sound-on-film productions of the
          Jack Fletcher with the first optical sound  film as varying bands of light and dark  Australian Movietone News, and in
          camera brought to Australia by DeForest  (variable density) on the photographic  some states the proportion of disc-only
          Phonofilms in 1927. The glow lamp  emulsion beside the picture images. As  venues was, for a while, significant.
          (arrow) recorded the sound above the  the film later moved through the  The following table was compiled from
          picture image on the film – the reverse of  projector, a light shining through a  Everyones of 10 December 1930
          later practice.                   similar slit would be modulated by  (p.14):

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