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The Theatre of Orange, in the Rhone Valley, France.

          FINE ROMAN THEATRES               feet wide and the auditorium was   stage is 65 metres wide and varies in
            Of three superb Roman theatres two  almost 152 metres in diameter.   depth between 12 metres and 16
          are amazingly well preserved, the other,  The theatre had a three-storey  metres.
          probably the greatest of all, is sadly left  façade. It was probably the largest  Restored in the 1800s, the theatre
          to our imaginations.              theatre ever constructed. A temple of  returned to use in 1869. Today it hosts
                                            Venus Victrix crowned the auditorium.  lyrical and musical performances.
          Theatre of Pompey, Rome
                                            Behind the stage building was a
            Inaugurated in 55BC, it was Rome's                                 Theatre of Bosra, Syria
                                            colonnaded garden adorned with
          largest and first permanent theatre,                                    Bosra is 140 km south of
                                            fountains and statues.
          intended to bolster General Pompey's                                 Damascus. Though no longer complete
                                               An accompanying Senate House
          popularity and was dedicated to his                                  with marble and silk, this superb
                                            witnessed the murder of Julius Caesar
          military conquests in Syria, Palestine                               theatre is arguably the most outstanding
                                            in 44BC.
          and the Near East.                                                   in North Africa. Constructed in the
                                               The Emperor Nero performed at
            The theatre employed an elaborate                                  second century AD, the theatre was
                                            Pompey, playing the lead in Oedipus
          ticketing system. Probably for the first                             later surrounded by a fortress.
                                            and in The Madness of Hercules, his
          time, each patron was allocated a                                       The theatre seats up to 15,000
                                            own opera about Troy.
          particular seat, row, tier and exit.                                 persons and retains fine acoustic
                                               By the sixth century AD, the
            The class divisions of Roman                                       quality. The stage is 45 metres long and
                                            Theatre of Pompey, like theatre
          society were clearly evident in the                                  8 metres deep. The large area in front
                                            everywhere, was sadly decayed.
          seating arrangements. The emperor and                                of the stage might have been used for
                                            Significant subsequent building upon  circus acts or gladiatorial combats.  ★
          senators were placed at the front,
                                            the site prevents the excavation of the
          aristocrats and generals in the next
          fourteen rows, then officials, priests,
          vestal virgins and citizens. Women,  Theatre of Orange, France
          slaves and foreigners were only      This theatre in the Rhone Valley is
          permitted to watch from the back.  one of the best-preserved. It was built
            The Theatre of Pompey was the   between AD10 and 25 and features a
          first significant example of the imperial  superb 103 metres long, 37-metre high
          style of architecture in Rome. It was  and 1.8 metre thick acoustic stage wall.
          therefore influential not only in the  The triumphal arch commemorates the
          design of other theatres, but buildings  Pax Romana (abstention from war as
          generally. The stage was almost 300  imposed upon a colony by Rome). The
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