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The Metro Twin Clayton. The holding yard is behind the left screen. Monash University is top, right. Photo: David Kilderry Collection.
          Was it one feature film for each show?  How important was the weather?  and cold running water, emergency
            We opened in May 1957 and the   Winter must have been fairly       lights if the power failed, even though it
          first session was at 7.30, the second  miserable.                    was outdoors and no danger to anyone.
          session in Field Two was the same film  Well, the week we opened there  I would start the two diesel generators,
          at 8 and then Field One ran another  were consistent fogs for nearly a week.  get them running in sync. then throw
          session starting at 9.30. We had our  We had a football down near the office,  the main switch to get the power to the
          own prints, because as I said, Metro  kicking backwards and forwards - the  projectors.
          theatres always had a spare on hand in  managers against the projectionists, and  I went there expecting to stay three
          case something went wrong.        the carhops used to kick end-for end  years and stayed for 17. I said to Pat
            The best Saturday night ever was  and say  “It’s on the way” and here it  my wife, “Look, with the late finishing
          five sessions of The Shiralee. It was  comes out of the fog and lands on you.  and lot’s to do, the overtime is great.
          winter; the first session kicked off at  Occasionally the late show was a  It’ll put us on our feet”.
          about 5.30, then one at 6.30, 7.30, 8.30  non-event. You’d start the show at 9.30  Near the end of those years MGM
          and 9.30. Three thousand and fifty cars  because you always started on time, but  in America hit rough times. They were
          came in that night. Traffic was in  if there were no cars I’d say to Ken  selling off assets around the world to
          gridlock up and down Blackburn Road,  over at the other side, “Turn your arc  feed the big, hungry, money-eating
          up and down Wellington Road, and we  off” (to save a bit of power and  giant that is film-making. The time
          couldn’t get the cars out through the  carbon). So the film and sound were  when banks would virtually open their
          exits because of the cars queued  running, but no picture on the screen,  vaults and invite MGM to walk in and
          waiting to get in. Finally, the police  and then if I saw one lone car turn up at  help themselves to what they needed,
          opened the exit gates and shunted cars  the ticket box and drive across towards  was over.
          straight in without paying.       the screen I’d say, “OK Ken, light your  Towards the end of the Metro era
                                            light.” One car and we had a show.   we were opening only one field for the
                                               In summer Metro were on a winner  eight o’clock show and the 9.30. ★
                                            as far as drive-ins go. They did
                                                                               Transcription by Ms. Jo Maxion
                                            everything according to the book. Hot
                                                                               To Be Continued

                                                                                       CINEMARECORD 2008 17
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