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The Wonderland was a large
          rectangular building constructed of
          poured concrete with a gabled steel
          roof. The single-storied frontage
          included a central entrance flanked by
          two shops. The decorative parapet
          featured rendered concrete and some
          brickwork arranged in horizontal and
          vertical panels. The gabled end of the
          auditorium had a Tudor look with
          diamond-shaped glass windows in
          strapped timber panels. The entrance
          foyer included an octagonal-shaped
          ticket box.
            The auditorium doors were located
          each side of the ticket box. The
          auditorium was cavenous, fairly
          unadorned with exposed trusses
          supporting the roof. Between the piers  ABOVE: Wonderland Theatre staff and Musicians pose in the foyer – 1925.
          patterned panels were applied to the
          side-walls topped by highlight windows
          of diamond-shaped windows. These     In 1928 Alex Thompson sent a
          windows were also used on the back  proposal to the HD to extend the stage
          wall. The internal projection room was  area in the Wonderland.
          low set at the rear of the auditorium.  By the 1930s the theatre had been
          As was common in earlier theatres, a  leased to M.C. Symonds. The first
          flat floor was used to allow for multi-  sound film The Idle Rich was screened
          purpose use.                      in 1930.

          BELOW: The capacity audience photographed on the opening night of the Wonderland Theatre.

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