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CATHS Central

          Victoria branch

          Convenor Fred Page reports
          From time to time the activities of the
          Central Victorian Chapter of CATHS-V
          is mentioned at Melbourne meetings.
          Some members have asked for more
          information on the meetings held most
          months in Bendigo.
             Meetings are held on the fourth
          Thursday of each month except January
          and December, and start at 7.30 pm. They  The former Royal at Maldon, one of the theatres visited on the CATHS
          are held in the Crest Theatrette. What    Central Victoria Tour in April 2000. Photo: Kevin Adams.
          follows is a summary of events to date.
             The inaugural meeting was held in  ◆ April: Burlesque, Revue, Vaudeville  presented at the Bendigo Regional Arts
          February 2000 at which I was the only  and the Tivoli Theatres.      Centre. I spoke of the theatres of the
          CATHS member present. Since then  [No May meeting due to New Zealand tour.]  area and Charles Murray from the BHS
          four new local members have joined  ◆ June: San Francisco Fox Theatre  spoke of the performers. This event was
          CATHS. These members with their   and other American picture palaces.  sponsored by the City of Greater
          partners and friends have raised atten-  ◆ July: The British contribution to the  Bendigo and CATHS-V.
          dance levels to as high as 14. Average  invention of cinematography, in particular  So ended the first year of CATHS’
          attendance is about nine.         William Frieze Greenes’ Magic Box.   local activities.
             The February meeting discussed  ◆ August: Comedy — viewing items     Themes for our meetings in 2001:
          possible local activities and some partici-  from past comedy festivals.  ◆ In February we celebrated the new
          pants assisted with the centrally organ-  ◆ September: Probably our most  millenium with 2001: A Space
          ised tour of Central Victoria in April  acclaimed presentation was on the  Odyssey.
          2000 which attracted 37 attendees.  Melbourne Regent and Marriner    ◆ March: History of the book and films
             For each meeting, agendas, minutes  Theatres. This featured the CATHS  of Ben Hur and the impact of the films
          and reports are forwarded to the  videos Regent Nostalgia and The Regent on MGM
          CATHS-V Committee. Formal meetings  is Melbourne.                    ◆ April: Andrew Lloyd Webber and
          are held in the same month that CATHS  ◆ October: Auckland Civic, following  his contribution to musical theatre.
          holds its Melbourne meetings, and  the successful CATHS tour of NZ.  ◆ May: With the long overdue release of
          informal meetings are held on the other  ◆ November: It was announced that  Annie Get Your Gun on VHS, the subject
          months.                           Les Miserables would be staged in  this month was The Real Annie Oakley.
             Each meeting features a particular  Bendigo early in 2001. In celebration of  ◆ June: The Genius of Chaplin.
          theme:                            this milestone the musical was the topic  ◆ July: The Music of George Gershwin.
          ◆ At the March 2000 meeting discus-  for exploration this month.        All CATHS members are welcome
          sion centred on preserved “picture   In a wider field, together with the  at the Bendigo meetings and coming
          palaces”, the focus in particular being  Bendigo Historical Society, a public  programs can be accessed on the
          on the Sydney State Theatre.      lecture Performers and Palaces was  CATHS website. For further informa-

          Westgarth, West                      Then it was off to the
                                            premises of Universal Wonder
          Preston Rivoli and                Pty Ltd, at West Preston, locat-
          Northcote Theatre tour            ed in the former 1935 Rivoli
                                            Theatre. CATHS Treasurer
          On May 19 CATHS held a most inter-  Barrie Wraith gave an interest-
          esting tour of the Westgarth Theatre,  ing talk on the history of the
          and of two other former cinema venues  Rivoli.  Many features of the
          in Melbourne’s northern suburbs.  former cinema are still intact.
             Over 45 people arrived early on the  The last venue on the tour
          Saturday morning to inspect the 1921-  was the Regal Ballroom, the
          built Westgarth. Member Cameron Hall  former 1912 Northcote Theatre.
          outlined the history of the theatre, and  Our thanks to our hosts, and to organisers
          owner Peter Yiannoudes welcomed us to  Cameron Hall and Events Co-ordinator Brian
          the Westgarth and talked about his  Miller for a very successful tour. ★
          involvement with the theatre over the
                                            Above: The Northcote today as the Regal
          years. The management also treated us  Ballroom.  Left.: Opening night of the
          to a lovely morning tea, and screening  Northcote Theatre in 1912.
          of a cartoon and trailers.        Photos: Courtesy Kevin Adams Collection.

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