Page 7 - CinemaRecord #80
P. 7

WARWICK:   The RSL Club in the former
           Kings Theatre will undergo a major internal
           revamp in the next year. The streamlined, art-
           moderne cinema auditorium and stage is still
           quite complete and will be refurbished to provide
           a high quality entertainment and function area
           that can host big-name performers.
           IPSWICH:  The opening of the  Limelight
           Cinemas  at Riverlink on November 20 has
           caused a local ticketing price war and seen
           Birch Carroll and Coyle in the Ipswich Mall                                                    Warwick Kings
           and Reading Cinemas at Redbank Plaza slash
           their ticket prices.                 CHILDERS: The Paragon Theatre is set for                         Childers
                                                a new lease of life with work progressing to
           CHARTERS TOWERS:    Questions have   restore the venue for a mix of live and cinema
           been raised in regard to the legality of operating   entertainment.
           the council owned  World Theatre complex
           as a cinema in direct competition to the   TOWNSVILLE: Birch Carroll and Coyle will
           locally owned  Tors Drive-In and Cinema.   be the operators of the new$17-million, 780-seat
           This may constitute a possible breach of the   Central 5 cinema complex to be built on part
           local government code of conduct and unfair   of the former rail yards site. Parent company,
           advantage over the unsubsidised independent   Amalgamated Holdings have committed to
           drive-in.                            a 15-year lease which will compliment their
                                                Event Cinemas branded location in the CBD.
           REDCLIFFE: After 18 years of operation the
           historical replica display known as the Redcliffe   IPSWICH: A two month campaign successfully
           Picture Palace has closed and the contents of   raised $100,000 for the  Tivoli Drive-In  to
           H[KLELWV LQFOXGLQJ ¿OP FDPHUD DQG SURMHFWRUV RI   install digital projection in late November,
           various gauges, offered for sale from November.
                                                however patrons had to contend with a less-than-
                                                perfect picture when a wind storm dislodged a
           MAREEBA: Utilising digital projection, a new   previously repaired panel that left a gaping hole
           Sun Movie Lounge was opened on September   LQ WKH JLDQW VFUHHQ  7KH ¿QDO   PP VFUHHQLQJ
                                                took place on November 16.
           20 by the local RSL in their clubrooms on Byrne

           ROCKHAMPTON:      The   facade  and
           Wintergarden Theatre were demolished
           in September/October, clearing the site for
           possible construction of a large retail/apartment   SUBIACO:  In late 2014 work will begin on
           block.                               a $1.5 million Lotterywest grant will fund the
                                                ¿UVW VWDJH RI D SODQQHG      PLOOLRQ UHQRYDWLRQ              Subiaco Regal
                                                of the 1938 art deco Regal Theatre. All of its
                                                1100 seats will be replaced, the stage lighting
                                                upgraded and interior paint scheme restored.
                                                Disabled toilets, lifts, a new roof and other
                                                exterior renovations will be installed once more
                                                money is raised.  The theatre was left to the  HOBART NORTH: Opened as the  North
                                                people of WA by its last owner Paddy Baker in   Hobart Picture Palace and later known as
                                                1986 but receives no government subsidy.   the  Liberty, the independent  State Cinema
                                                PERTH: Unpaid rent due to a lack of patronage   celebrated its 100  Birthday on October 2. The
                                                and the deteriorating state of the asbestos   location now boasts 8 screens and its long history
                                                roof were cited for the closure of the historic   is to be documented in a new book about the
                                                Piccadilly Cinemas in Hay Street at the end of   theatre.
                                                the October School Holidays. This was the last
                                                cinema operating in the CBD.
                                                                                    Contributors: DƵƌƌĂLJ tĂůĚŝŶŐ͖ ZŽďĞƌƚ dĂLJůŽƌ͖
                                                                                    ZŽĚĞƌŝĐŬ ^ŵŝƚŚ͖ <ĞǀŝŶ  ĚĂŵƐ͖  ŚƌŝƐƚŽƉŚĞƌ  ĂƌůƐŽŶ͖
                                                COMO: $100,000 from a $1.26 million pool of   WĞƚĞƌ tŽŽůŶŽƵŐŚ͖ tŝůůŝĂŵ 'ƌĂLJ͖ &ƌĂŶĐĞƐĐĂ &ŽůŬͲ
                                                24 heritage grants from the State Government   ^ĂŽůĂƌŽ͖ ZŽďĞƌƚ WĂƌŬŝŶƐŽŶ͖ ^ƚĞǀĞ DĂŐŐƐ ĂŶĚ ŵĂŶLJ
                                                will allow the 1938 Cygnet Cinema to upgrade   ŵŽƌĞ͘
                                                WKH HOHFWULFDO DQG WKH ¿UH SUHYHQWLRQ V\VWHPV DQG
                                                install a digital projector.  The digital upgrade
                                                LV KRSHG WR EH WKH ¿UVW VWDJH LQ WKH V\PSDWKHWLF
                                                conversion of the Cygnet into a multiplex.

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