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Kinema  Interior

             When completed  in  1938, the new theatre was subject to   brick is reached at the footpath  level.  The grading of the
             several reviews which in journals like '·film Weekly" and   colour forms  an  atlractive exteriOJ;  and at once arouses
             ··Building" ran for several pages. An article also appeared   interest".
             in the "Argus"  newspaper with a photograph of the exte-
             rior. All were praisewotthy about the wonders of this new   Hoyts planned a gala opening just in  time for the Christ-
             cinema.                                          mas holidays. The theatre was officially declared open by
                                                              the Managing Director ofHoyts Theatres Ltd., Mr. Charles
             Two paragraphs from '"Building", in its March 24 issue of   Munro, on December 24,1938.(7) The opening attraction
             1939, describe the exterior in  great detail.    was "Aiexanders Ragtime Band" which starred Alice Faye,
                                                              Tyrone  Power and  Don Ameche.  The  Park  had  the  dis-
             "The block of land on  which the theatre is erected is of a   tinction of having  both  a stage band  (under the baton of
             shape that called .for special treatment,  but in  designing   George  Bellmaine) with guest artists Ray Trewarne  and
             the  Park theatre,  not only have the architects  used the   Peggy Shea. In addition,  Len Davis became featured  or-
             baser-shaped block most successfully.  they have acwally   ganist (8).  The screening policy  in  those  times  was six
             made of it eccentricities real advantages which have per-  nightly shows plus one matinee on Saturday.
             mitted them  to  cany  out a scheme economic as regards
            space ornamental,  attractive and refreshingly original."   The seating capacity  being  provided  for  977 persons  in
                                                              the stalls and 575 in  the circle, making a total capacity of
             ''The circular towe1;  with  which the designers have used   I ,552. (9)
            to ad11antage the comer position, first commands the eye.
             Modern glass  bricks,  illuminated ji-om  within, .form  the   The entrance to the Park was on a comer directly beneath
            Font of the towe1:  which is topped in iv01y stone .finish.   the tower. The ground floor had provision for a manager's
                                                              office and unique ticket box. The foyer area had a ceramic
             Below the band of iv01y stone finish in  which each facade   mosaic  tiled floor  with scumbled  green  walls  whilst  the
             culminates,  is a similar broad horizontal band of cream   ceiling was in tbe form of a volute. rtlumination emanated
            bricks, followed by bands of pale oatmeal,  the successive   from elaborate light in  the top of the ticket box.
            apricots, pinks,  reds.  chocolates,  till the band of black

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