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conversion to a performing arts and
          conference centre, and occasional
          cinema. The vision is for the theatre to
          become the centre for a regional
          Theatre Performance Course in which
          all aspects of theatre crafts will be
             I revisited the transformed Roxy in
          July 2003.The façade had been painted
          in art deco colours.  The two shops on
          the left and right of the entrance have
          been converted into theatre spaces
          including foyer extensions to cater for
          a coffee lounge and disability access.
          A tourist information centre has been
          opened in the right hand section of the
             On entering the auditorium the
          stunning effect of the original wall and
          proscenium decoration dominated. The
          ceiling has been refurbished and
          returned to its former design. Great
          care was taken to maintain the
          decorative plaster-work. The original
          finishes were cleaned and only minor
          paint touch ups were required.
             The shallow stage had been
          removed to make way for a level floor
          area from the back wall across the
          dance floor to the tiered seating at the
          rear of the theatre. Live performance
          will be either on the dance floor level
          or on 900mm high modular shapes
          arranged in various combinations, from
          the traditional stage setting to theatre
          in the round. The former stage space
          will become an assembly area and
          back stage space once a curtain is
          hung.  Stage lighting bars have been
          installed on the side-wall and a new
          control box has been built above the
          rear cross aisle, in front of the
          projection room.  It is still possible to
          project films over the top of this space.
          A skillion-roof extension has been built  REFERENCES                 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
          at the rear of the stage wall.  This  (1)  Mr. Bob Kirk, Bingara Historical  Mr. Rick Hutton (Bingara) for his kind
          space provides for dressing rooms and  Society, and Ms Jenny Mead, Bingara  assistance.
          associated facilities.             Tourist Officer.                  Bingara Advocate; various issues.
                                             (2)  Film Weekly – Motion Picture
             The kauri pine dance floor has been
                                             Directory; Various issues.
          re-polished and carpets laid in all
                                             (3  Cultural Heritage of Movie
          areas.  New toilets have been
                                             Theatres in New South Wales
          constructed on the left hand side of the  1896 – 1996.
          building.                          Ross Thorne, Les Tod and Kevin Cork.
             The Roxy is the home of the     Department of Architecture, University
          Northwest Theatre Company who will  of Sydney.
          stage the first play, Twelfth Night in the
          refurbished theatre. The reintroduction
          of occasional cinema is subject to
          further funding grants. After years of
          neglect the Roxy has, for the first time,
          become the focal point for
          entertainment in Bingara.  ★

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