Page 14 - RD_2015_12
P. 14

lamps ran very reliably. The spools
                                                                               were over 30 inches in diameter (70cm)
                                                                               and held eight thousand feet of film
                                                                               (2400m) or more. Because of their
                                                                               weight, they fitted on to half-inch
                                                                               spindles (as with 70mm spools.) Each
                                                                               projector had a motorized film-lifting
                                                                               device that raised the spool from floor
                                                                               level up to the feed spindle.
                                                                                  The sound track was on a separate
                                                                               35mm film, fully coated with iron
                                                                               oxide, to take the six or seven track
                                                                               magnetic stereophonic sound. (The
                                                                               number of tracks varied from
                                                                               production to production.) This was run
          A simulation of the positions of the new bio-boxes.                  on a seven- foot tall (2.1m )oversized
                                                                               tape-recorder which was located in the
            About a month before the opening,  Seat prices were also up market. They  Plaza’s original upstairs projection
          a discreet mention of Cinerama    ranged from eight shillings (80c) at an  room. Next to it was a pre-amplifier
          appeared in the Hoyts City Theatres  afternoon session in the cheapest seats  rack of similar size. This projection
          advertisements. ‘Cinerama Is Coming,’  to sixteen and six ($1.65) for a  room also contained a conventional
          it said, in the space reserved for the  Saturday night in the most expensive  35mm Centrex projector with a
          Plaza. There was little other publicity  seats. Though there was no gala  ‘Westrex 14’ lamphouse on which the
          in the press. Normally, in the U.S.  premiere for This Is Cinerama, there  prologue films were shown. This
          Cinerama stuck to a tried and true pre-  was a special midnight show on New  projector had its own sound system.
          opening strategy, refined over the  Year’s Eve.                      Also in this projection room were the
          preceding five years. Before the     Roberts Dunstan, in reviewing This  theatre lighting dimmers and a bi-unal
          opening date, its representatives would  Is Cinerama on 27 December wrote,  slide projector. Initially, screen slide
          roll into town, creating relationships  ‘The effect is overwhelming…I’m still  advertising was against Cinerama
          with civic and commercial movers and  dazed…In terms of size and noise,  policy, but later on slides were shown,
          shakers and liaising with community  Cinerama outdoes other wide screen  only occupying the screen’s centre
          groups. Publicity stunts would be set up  processes.’ He added, however, that the  panel. There was no ‘non-synch’ music.
          and a big premiere involving a local  film was ‘no more than a travelogue.’  The power amplifiers were provided
          charity organized. This was pretty  The public was not put off. They took  for Cinerama by Altec-Lansing, as were
          much what happened in Sydney, but for  to Cinerama with enthusiasm and full  the speakers. The amplifiers each had a
          Melbourne the publicity was low-key,  house followed full house.     huge output of 75 watts RMS. (A
          especially when compared with that for  The projection equipment all came  conventional theatre amplifier of the
          The Ten Commandments, which had   from the Teck theatre in Buffalo after  time had an output of 30 watts. The
          commenced at the nearby Barclay on  storage at Cinerama’s technical  Regent’s sound system, by contrast had
          11 December.                      headquarters on Long Island New York.  an output of 60 watts per channel.) It
            Cineramas’s publicity people did  It consisted of Century (Centrex) 35mm  was the practice in some Cinerama
          not stay on in Australia after the  heads modified for a six sprocket-hole  theatres to have the amplifiers on stage,
          Sydney opening. Consequently, there  picture pull-down, driven by special  but in Melbourne they were distributed
          were only a few modestly-sized block  variable speed gearboxes regulated by  around the three ground floor
          advertisements for This Is Cinerama in  the picture control engineer. There was  projection rooms. In accordance with
          the Melbourne press prior to the  a separate take-up spool motor. The  Cinerama’s high presentation standards,
          opening date, apart from the      heads had water-cooled gates. The arc-  every morning, before screenings
          information, from 16 December that  lamps were large ‘Strong’ units, using  commenced, an eight kilocycle sound
          bookings were now open for a season  10mm ‘black’ carbons and 8mm    test loop was run to check the
          starting on 26 December.          copper-coated negatives, running at  efficiency of the sound system. The
            Cinerama opened for business at the  about 100 amps. The positive carbons  three ground floor projection rooms did
          matinee on Boxing Day 1958. There  were fed and rotated during operation  not have monitor speakers, so the
          was to be a restricted performance  by a water-cooled jaw mechanism close  projectionists were not able to listen to
          policy with only three shows a day.  to the positive crater. There was  the movie sound track, nor could any
          This followed the pattern set by Mike  adequate trim for the lamps to run for  one projectionist get a view of the
          Todd for Around The World In Eighty  the hour or so that made up each half of  whole screen.
          Days, where the idea was to present  the Cinerama program. The lamps had  Cinerama was very fussy about the
          ‘performances’ of a ‘show’ rather than  metal mirrors. In the nose of the  cleanliness of the film. They had
          sessions of a movie. All tickets were  lamphouse a tilting grid could alter the  pioneered the use of splicing tape for
          ‘on block’ for reserved seating.  amount of light falling on the back of  joining film, and then as now, tape
          Bookings could be made weeks ahead,  the projector gate, in order to even up  splices collected dirt. Multiple copies
          as for a stage show. There were only  the brightness of each of the three  of each production were held at the
          three sessions a day, six days a week.  screen panels. By all accounts, the  theatre so that one print could be

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