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                                                      By Ian Smith


           f the classified pages of Melbourne’s   Work began on what was         The directors beat a retreat back to
         I The Age newspaper were once      provisionally called the Tooronga  their anchor project, the Waratah
          ‘Rivers of Gold’, something similar  Picture Theatre, situated on the north-  Theatre in Ascot Vale. It opened in
          used to be said about owning a picture  east corner of Tooronga and Malvern  June 1925, but seemed dogged by poor
          theatre.                          Roads.                             management, poor attendances and a
            This probably was true for some    It was a reasonable site in a small  seeming inability to comply with
          shrewd independent operators, but in  shopping strip, with a tram past the  simple demands by Health.
          the 1920s the tightening grip of the big  door and train station within walking  Only two months after opening, the
          players could stymie ambitions. This  distance.                      company secretary was forced to write
          story is pieced together from        The walls were almost to the roof  an abject letter to the Health
          correspondence to the Board of Health.  when the directors realised that the big  Department: ‘We would ask you to
            In the early twenties the directors of  combine Associated Theatres Pty. Ltd.  treat this matter leniently [completion
          the company that would become the  had broken the ground for a deluxe  of safety requirements] in view of the
          Waratah Picture Theatre Ltd. in the  Regent Theatre near the corner of  fact that this company is already
          north-west suburb of Ascot Vale   Burke and Malvern Roads in the nearby  suffering considerably, owing to the
          (Melbourne), searched out localities not  suburb of Gardiner.        fact that we have had to request the
          serviced by a picture theatre and spoke  Realizing that their modest building  Chairman of Directors and past
          with local Progress Associations.   had no hope of competing with a  Secretary to hand in their resignations,
            The directors promised at these  Regent, the directors sold the partially  and a good deal of gossip has been
          meetings that if enough people were to  completed building.          going round the district in regard to the
                                                                               theatre, making it exceedingly difficult
          become shareholders, preliminary work  From the mid-1920s until the fifties,
                                                                               for the Board to re-establish themselves
          on building a theatre would begin  it was a garage with residence above.
                                                                               in the confidence of the local public.’
          immediately.                      It’s still there, but in a different guise.
            Their pitch reached receptive ears at
          suburban Tooronga, in the city of
                                                                                       Above Left and Below: Tooronga.
                                                                                       Above Right: Ascot Vale Waratah.

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