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between  1873-75. The present library was built in  1880.   Heritage Registered
             Two years  later the timber building was removed  and a
             hall  erected. The library continued  into  the  1970s.  The   Three of the above mechanics'  institutes are listed  on
             hall  was the town's earliest theatre. It is  now  used as an   Victoria's three heritage conservation registers:
             art  &  craft  workshop and  theatre and  is  maintained  by
             the  Arts Council.                                 I.  Register of the  National Estate (Australian Heritage
                                                                   Commission) Lilydale Mechanics' Institute and Mel b.
             Surrey Hills                                          Athenaeum.
                                                                2.  Vic.  Heritage Register (Heritage Victoria)-
                                                                   Ballarat Mechanics Institute & Melboume Athenaeum
                                                                3.  National Trust Register (National Trust of Australia,
                                                                   Victoria)  -Lilydale Mechanics'  rnstitute.


                                                                Mechanics'  Institutes  provided  many functions  to  meet
                                                                diverse needs. An institute could be a lodge room, a school.
                                                                a  library and  a cinema all  rolled in one. Our communi-
                                                                ties were short on  public  halls but they needed them  to
                                                                prosper and grow. Many places did not have a library or
                                                                cinema  until  the  1920s or  1940s  but  mechanics'  insti-
                                                                tutes  have been  around  in  Victoria since  the mid  nine-
                                                                teenth century. We owe a lot to the "mechanics' for ena-
                                                                bling us to borrow  books, celebrate a local event, join a
                                                                club, and  watch our favorite films.  Our Mechanics' In-
                                                                stitlttes played an  important role in  the development of
                                                                local communities,  libraries, education, and cinema and
                                                                therefore hold an  imp01tant place in the history of Aus-
             In  1840, a public meeting was held with a view to estab-  tralia to be remembered and cherished.
             lishing a mechanks' institute and School of Arts but an
             approach  Lo  the Nunawading Shire Council  proved  un-  References
             successfu I.
                                                                M. Avellng, Lilydale.  The Billanook Country 1837-1972.1972.
             In  1891, the Surrey Hills Hall was built for a Mrs Elleker
                                                                P.C. Candy and J. Laurent.
             of St Kilda mostly  for community purposes. The build-
                                                                Pioneering Culture: Mechanics· Institutes and Schools Arts in  Australia.
             ing was designed by W.M. Pitt. It had two shops in front
             and  two  lodge rooms  with  several  ante rooms  upstairs.   CATHS Archives.
                                                                ·cinema Historians Visited Our Theatres· North Central News  11/9136.
             At the rear was a large hall. In  1892, a Literary Institute
             used one of the rooms upstairs as a library+ and reading
             room. The Lodge Room was used by five lodges on vari-  Cinemas in Melboume:  1896-1942. Monash University thesis.  1991.
             ous nights for many decades.
                                                                Deparunent of Natural Resources & the Environment, Inventory of Me-
                                                                chanics' Institutes In Victoria.
             The hall  was the centre of entertainment for  fifty  years
             with concerts often  featuring  overseas artists. Bazaars,   History Nook. Surrey Hills.
             electoral  meetings, patriotic demonstrations, rallies, and   In Celebration of the Centennial 1883-1983, 1983.
             gymnastics  were also  held there.  Silent  films  were
                                                                K. Dowdy. The Making of Our Town Camperdown, 1983.
             screened during the  1920s - children  sal on  hard forms
             in  the  front  rows.  The pricier seats were the horse-hair   J.E. Loney and E.W. Morris.
             padded ones of the back row raised some six inches on a   Twelve Decades. a Short History of Apollo Bay, 1970.
             small platform. Lolly-boys from  the confectionery shop
                                                                C. Milward-Bason.
             at the entrance brought their wares to patrons during the   Mechanics' lnstitutes and ,Schools of Arts in Austrnlia: an Annotated Bib-
             interval.                                          liography of Secondary Sources 1996.

             The status of the hall lifted when it became the Rex Thea-  Y. Palmer.
                                                                Tracks  of the  Years:  the  Story  of St  Arnaud.  1985.  St Arnaud
             tre and sound pictures took over. Eventually it was super-  Mechanics· Institute And Libary, 1973.
             seded by the Independent Theatre just north of the rail-
             way line which opened in  1939.                    For FurUter Reading
                                                                Contact the Prahran Mechanics· Instirure
                                                                140 High Street. Prahran   tel./fax 9510 3393
                                                                (open Mon-Fri 9.30-4pm Sar9.30-lpm)
                                                                or visit our Website at htt p:\www.\-pmil nc

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