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HAPPENINGS                                                                     by Fred Page

            Since the last report in issue 4, we have had severe! interesting actiVities. The annual swapmeet in August was
             well supported; so much so that the 1995 event will be held as a sepa111te activity instead of being squeezed in
            between a business meeting and 'Spysmasher".

             The Show and Tell Picture Show in September was popular as members took their treasures from their trunks
            to provide the nucleus of our Centenary of Cinema exhibition next April.  The residing memory of this event is
            of a row of people on their knees soaking up the nostalgia of the print and photo exhibits. An enjoyable day was
            capped off with Greham's Movie Medley which was well receiVed and much appreciated. Thanks Graham for
             the trouble you took in assembling the program complete with CATH5-V title.

            The entertainment at the October meeting was supplied by Stan Gunn and consisted of nostalgic films opening
            with a grand colour version of 'God Save The King' which set the period of the show.
             We then enjoyed vintage newsreels and coming attraction shorts followed by a 1931 travelogue of Melbourne,
            advertising films of C.E.MIIIer, Removalists and the songs from the Wizard of oz. A great show Stan I This in
            addition to "Spysmasher".

             Then came the sixth of November.  What a dayl  The longest and most violent windstorms in Melbourne for
            years.  No trems in SWanston Street, the opening of the ABC South bank Centre and the huge Collins Street
            Music Festival.  Against all of this CATH5-V celebrated the 70th anniversary of the opening of the Capitol
            Theatre with an Open Day.  The numbers were small (compared to the Regent) but the visitors were just as
            enthusiastic.  The tour guides were enthusiastic and so was the ticket sellers. This all added up to a great day
             for us and as a bonus we got three new members.

            That wasn, the only bonus. One of our visitors showed us her photo album which featured her mother In stage
            presentations at the Capitol in 1929.  One of the pictures was of the Broadway Melody show presented as a
            prelude to the film which, Incidently was advertised In our Capitol ClnemaRecord.  Uke the 'Demtel' man says
            'it gets better"; our visitor has lent us the album to have the pictures rephotogrephed  What a bonus for the
            ArchiVes! Other old photos of the Capitol under construction also tumed up as did old employees dying to tell
            their stories.

            After all that you ask "was It a financial success?'.  Yesl  Not a fortune but a comfortable profit.  Thanks to all
            those who participated and others who were there just for support. We had marvellous publicity for the Open
            Day,  especially from the  ABC  whose presenter Ranald McDonald interviewed  Rod  Cook around 9.30  the
            Friday before while Fred Page was being interviewed at the same time on 3RPP·FM. The first announcement
            was by Frenk Van St111ten in his 3LO Nostalgia progrem -thanks Frank, followed by severe! spot announce..
            ments in the 3LO 'What's On' segment.  3UZ's Ron Cedee visited the Capitol and gave the Open Day gener-
            ous publicity in his Golden Memories progrem.  Several announcements were mede on 3AW and notices
            appeared in the Herald-Sun and Age entertainment pages.

            One week later (13 Nov '94) we were In full stride again starting with inspections of Brighton Bay cinemas 1 &
            2.  The Inspections were preceded by welcome cups of coffee and plenty of chatter prior to a visit to the joint
            blo box.  The auditoriums were then visited.  Cinema 1 Is comfortable but  stark;  no drapes anywhere just
            Irregular brickwork and a naked screen.  Cinema 2 Is more conventional in the modem way with dreped walls
            and travelling curtains of the same design.  Behind the drapery can be seen the stencilled decoration of the
            original 1925theatre.  There even remains a remnant of the old silent screen on the back wall.
            After more coffee and talk the group moved on to Harvey & Pamella Hutchisons for a barbecue lunch where we
            were joined by st.ill more members and friends.

            It was then to Harvey's theatrette • we must giVe it a name (what about the Elwood Wlntergarten?) - for Tom
            and Jerry, Our Gang etc. followed by a most enjoyable aflemoon tea. While enjoying our lunch Peter O'Reilly
            detoured to his home to produce presentation plaques for the Brighton Bay and the Capitol.  The former was
            presented to Stan  Gunn and the latter will be given to the  Capitol  at the same time as  arrangements will
            hopefully put in place to run a second Open Day on the Moomba Monday.  Many thanks to Stan, Harvey &
            Pamella and to Peter for his swift work.
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