Page 10 - CinemaRecord Cover Section # 45
P. 10



            Clyde Simpson taps into his
            rich memories of the picture
                 palace on the hill.

            Congratulations to Gary Ross and
          Tim Armstrong for their detailed
          feature on Hoyts Ivanhoe
          (CinemaRecord, Issue 42.)
            That theatre was really my second
                                               Years later, when I heard that the  years I had stood at the bottom of the
          home. Conveniently located at the end
                                            theatre would close on Saturday 29th  ladder in the alley so that I could hear
          of our street in Ivanhoe Parade, it was a
                                            June 1968, I drove to the theatre with  the projectors operating. The small bio
          sanctuary where I could escape to
                                            my seven year old son Andrew. The  box speaker monitors carried the sound
          another world. My favourite vantage
                                            curtains had just closed on the final  track quite well above the general noise
          point was a seat high at the back of the
                                            afternoon matinee as we made our way  of the gear. I was always tempted to
          dress circle directly outside the
                                            up to the dress circle to the projection  climb the ladder to gain entry to the
          projection room door. From there I
                                            room door and to my former ‘technical  theatre. I would have loved, just once,
          could watch the movie, as well as keep
                                            director’s’ seat against the bio box wall.  to push the buzzer button at the bottom
          a tally in my trusty exercise book of the
          number of reels and changeovers and  We were admitted to the booth by the  of stairs used to signal to the bio box
          note the general condition of the prints.  assistant operator. I had actually entered  that the film switcher from the theatre
          By pressing my left ear to the    the inner sanctum after 20 years! My  sharing the same print had arrived.
          projection room wall, I could hear the  first impression was that the projection  The stand-alone slide machine was
          projectors running and the chatter of  room was very small. It was like a  located in the traditional spot in the
          the Simplex intermittent sprocket as the  concrete bunker with a shiny painted  booth. It was located between the side
          tough nitrate-based film was rapidly  concrete floor and mats along side both  wall and the back of number 1
          transported through the projector.  machines - not at all what I had  machine. The on-screen slide change at
            My childhood hero, master       imagined. The old universal projector  Ivanhoe was different to anything I had
          projectionist Reg. Oldham and his  bases inherited from the early Powers  seen at any other theatre. It was single
          assistant, never seemed to miss a  installation were in contrast to the more  loading, with an in-focus vertical wipe
          change-over, or experience a technical  modern Kalee amplifier installation.  that would move from both sides of the
          breakdown of any kind. Only once did I  Foot operated switches were located  screen to meet in the middle while the
          see a mistake - a glimpse of the start of  beneath the spool box of both machines  slide was changed.
          a Val Morgan film ad. threaded back to  on the floor. These would have been used  Some slide machines at that time
          front at the end of the interval slide  for the picture change-over mechanism  used a prism to split the light source
          presentation - but most of the audience  controlled by a solenoid arrangement.  from the arc lamp on machine no. 2.
          would not have noticed, as it was  The sound change-over switch would  Slides were faded while the slide was
          projected on to the curtains while the  have been in the normal position on the  changed. Other more advanced
          house lights were still half lit.  front of the Kalee pre-amp secured to the  machines cross-faded or wiped from
                                            bio box wall.                      one slide holder to a second one,
            When CinemaScope was introduced
                                               Standing on tip-toe at the rewind  enabling an uninterrupted presentation.
          in the early 50’s, the light on the screen
                                            bench immediately inside the projection  These systems generated good images
          increased. This was possibly because of
                                            room door, Andrew was allowed to   and were quite different to today’s
          the introduction of new backing lenses
                                            rewind the last reel of the Elvis movie  Multiplex 35mm slide/carousel full
          and improved mirrors in the light
                                            Clambake, ready for the performance  screen images, driven by a low voltage
          boxes. I once snuck in through a side
                                            that night. To mark the occasion, we  quartz lamp producing a dim image,
          door and sat in the back stalls of the
                                            were delighted to be given the movie's  even in total darkness.
          theatre to watch the highly revered
                                            coming attraction slide.
          Hoyts head office technical crew go                                     At the opposite end of the
          about their work of lining up the new  Outside the projection room a  projection box was a small booth with
          and improved light source and     narrow exit led me to a steel ladder.  its own port into the theatre. This area
          adjusting the new aperture plates, so  This led down to ground level into a  contained a spotlight used for the
          that the image would sit comfortably on  small alley at the rear of Lintons  occasional special stage presentations.
          the new wide screen.              chemist shop. Many times over the
          10  2004 CINEMARECORD
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