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Some of the current committee: President Gerry Kennedy flanked by Vice-President
                                             Peter Wolfenden (left) and Secretary Mike Trickett.
             CATHS                          meeting, Morning Tea, Guest speaker  Membership Secretary. Peter has the
                                            or presentation and a serial. So too have
                                                                               best sign-off line in the business.  When
          The First Fifteen Years           other favourites: Theatre/cinema   a new member’s badge arrives in the
                                            inspections, film/theatre nights and
                                                                               mail, the accompanying letter
                                            Swap Meets.                        concludes ‘Wear it with Pride.’
                    By Fred Page
                                               The first weekend away was to   Significant Events
            A large decorated cake proclaimed  Albury and north-east Victoria in 1993.  1990 First meeting supports
          CATH’S first five eventful years. Ten  These pilgrimages have grown into  participation in National Trust Heritage
          years on, a larger cake is needed.   week- long events. In 2000 CATHS  Week at the State Film Centre with a
                                            became Australia’s only truly
          What and Why?                     international theatre heritage group  display of memorabilia. A similar
            The objectives of CATHS were    when a tour of New Zealand venues  display is mounted at the Carlton
          spelled out at its establishment:  was held in conjunction with the NZ  Movie House.
          • Foster interest in theatre and cinema  Film Buffs.                    1991 CATHS co-operates with the
           history                                                             National Trust to run an Open Day at
                                            Membership                         the derelict Regent Collins Street.
          • Preserve theatre and cinema buildings
                                               The initial membership of 26 was  CATHS joins with other lobby groups
           and artifacts
                                            drawn from ATHS members and of that  for preservation of the Regent.
          • Promote interest in theatre
                                            26, thirteen attended the October 1989  1993 CATHS shows it has The
                                            meeting when the decision to form  Right Stuff. With only $600 in the
          • Participate in the activities of  CATHS was taken. Current         bank, CATHS committed $3000 to host
           community groups participating in  membership is approximately 250 and  its own Open Day at the Regent.
           related historical pursuits      includes interstate members and    Everybody put their hearts and souls
          • Foster social activities by the  organizations and some from UK,   (especially Ian Maguire who worked
           members and their families       USA, Europe and NZ.                for days on electrical circuits) into
          • Assist in the collection and       Long-serving members maintain   making this event the most successful
           preservation of film and movie   early traditions or continue in new  of all the Regent Open Days. The
           equipment.                       roles.  Ken Tulloch still runs annual  public turned up in thousands and
          When and Why?                     movie nights at his Roxy theatrette.  $11,000 was taken at the Box office.
                                            Ron Cook continues to provide the
            The Sydney-based Australian                                           1994 First issue of CinemaRecord.
                                            serial, Fred Page organizes the Central
          Theatre Historical Society (now the                                  CATHS establishes photo archive.
                                            Victoria chapter and runs an annual
          Australian Cinema and Theatre Society                                Supports Open Day at the Capitol
                                            film festival. Rod How provided great
          - ACTS), with their magazine Kino,                                   (70th birthday) and Capitol Action.
                                            help with the Centenary of Cinema
          began the documentation of specific                                     1995 Performing Arts Museum
                                            event. Graham Smythe has provided
          cinema and theatre histories.                                        hosts Jaffas Down the Aisle. CATHS
                                            many super 8 programs and made video
            Our Society was established in                                     provides exhibits.
                                            records of events. Alan Windley
          October 1989, because it was clear that                                 Celebrate International Centenary of
                                            provided historical films and
          the numbers of people enthused about                                 Film at the Dutch Club in Carnegie, a
                                            unbounded knowledge. Brian Miller
          the rich theatre history of Victoria,                                former silent cinema.
                                            makes Events Coordination look
          could support a local organization.                                     1996 Celebrate The Australian
                                            effortless, but we know the truth.
          CATHS-V (called by its current name                                  Centenary Of Cinema at the Progress
          CATHS, from here forward)  held its  Past President Garry Saunders is  Theatre, West Coburg.
          first regular meeting at the Carlton  now the long-time merchandise sales  Regent re-opens with Sunset
          Movie House in February 1990.     officer (Garry has raised thousands).  Boulevard. CATHS holds a theatre
                                            Peter O’Reilly, Creator and first editor
            The early meeting structure                                        night soon after.
                                            of CinemaRecord (with an astonishing
          continues to this day: Business
                                            30 issues to his credit), is now
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