Page 6 - CinemaRecord Cover Section # 45
P. 6

Capitol Theatre Anniversary.
            On Sunday, 7th November 2004,
          Melbourne’s Capitol Theatre, ‘The
          Theatre Magnificent’ will be 80 years
          old. Watch the newspapers for details of
          heritage tours at the theatre.
          Theatre Royal Castlemaine
            Ample publicity ensured standing
          room only for the auction on Friday 16
          July. Passed in at $650,000, the going
          price was said to be $900,000 plus.
          Owners John and Donna Walter’s new
          bed and breakfast apartments behind
          the screen, with access from a paved
          lane, are a delightful example of value-
          adding to a premises which includes a
          cafe, two bars, and ice creamery. Built
          in 1854, the theatre is famous for
          hosting the controversial Lola Montez.
                                            Fred Page flirts with Lola Montez near the entrance to the apartments behind the
          Forum Verandah                    Theatre Royal.
            Marriner Theatre’s preferred option
          to solve the problem of truck damage to  music, visuals, dialogue (script), actors,  Magazine Exchange
          the verandah at the Forum is to widen  sound effects etc. Why, they ask is  The Projected Picture Trust, located
          the footpath in front of the theatre. Mrs.  music singled out as a commodity to be  at Bletchley Park in the UK (location of
          Elaine Marriner explained to CR that  paid for twice - once via film hire and  the Enigma code breakers during
          widening the footpath solved the  second to APRA?                    WW2) publish Rewind, a great
          problem of truck damage to the equally  Bradford Wide Screen Film    magazine for ‘techno heads.’ PPT
          handsome verandah at the Princess.                                   would like to exchange articles for
                                            Festival, March 2004
            This solution was easier to                                        publication with CATHS, and naturally
                                               Bradford is the home of Britain's
          implement in Spring Street and to do                                 CATHS will oblige.
                                            National Museum of Film, Television
          the same thing in Flinders Street will
                                            and Photography.  The Museum has   A First from France
          need more ingenuity. Negotiations
                                            three cinemas and can show anything   CATHS has its first member from
          continue with the Melbourne City
                                            from IMAX to Cinerama. About two   France - Bruno Pomie. The offer was
                                            hundred people from Britain, Europe  made to Bruno to provide some details
          Bid for Cinema Ad Revenue         and the United States attended.    about himself for publication. Watch
            Kerry Packer’s private Val Morgan  CATHS’ Eric White was Australia’s  this space.
          Cinema Advertising Group is at the  representative.                  Shorts
          forefront of a $20m push to digitise  As 2004 is the fiftieth anniversary
                                                                                  More screens are planned or are
          1700 cinema screens. The aim is to  of VistaVision, priority was given to
                                                                               now operating at the following
          position cinemas as ‘alternative  this process. Vertigo and the Audrey
                                                                               Melbourne cinemas:
          content’ venues.                  Hepburn version of War and Peace
                                                                                  Como, South Yarra - One screen
            Village and Greater Union have run  were shown, as well as rare shorts and
          trials where local fans have seen live, or  demonstration films.        Bay, Brighton - Two screens, plus
                                                                               major refurbishment.
          near live launch concerts for album  Other highlights among the 15
                                                                                  Nova, Carlton - Three screens; one
          releases. (The Age, 10 June 2004.)  features screened over five days were
                                                                               for DVD projection of documentaries
                                            the 70mm prints of The Longest Day,
          Cinema Owners Fight APRA                                             and features made in that format and
          Claim                             and Earthquake (with specially     for revival seasons.
                                            installed ‘Sensurround’ and Forbidden
            The Australasian Performing Right
                                            Planet with Perspecta multi-channel   Hoyts, Melbourne Central is
          Association is seeking approval to
                                            optical sound. There was a rare 70mm  likely to open on Boxing Day 2004.
          increase the licence fee payable by
                                            print of Cinerama’s Russian Adventure  The Cinema Centre Bourke Street will
          cinemas from the current effective
                                            (never shown at Melbourne’s Plaza)  probably close a week later.
          0.33% of Box Office to at least 0.85%
                                            and This Is Cinerama, which was       Daylesford. The former Rex theatre
          of Box Office, as protection for music
                                            projected in the three-projector   was sold for a reputed $1m.
          composers. Cinema owners (exhibitors)
                                            Cinerama format.                      Launceston. Plans for a multiplex
          point out that the producers of a motion
                                               Next year is the fiftieth anniversary  at Inveresk on the Esk River have been
          picture pay large sums of money to
                                            of Todd-AO and Eric hopes to be back  abandoned.
          clear the usage of music for the sound
                                            in Bradford to celebrate it.
          track. The hire fee exhibitors  pay to
                                               For a full account look up the
          distributors to show a film surely
          covers every aspect of copyright -
          6   2004 CINEMARECORD
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