Page 7 - CinemaRecord #81
P. 7

NEWTOWN: Owners of the long-closed Hub
       Theatre have completed a $500,000 renovation
       and hope to lease it out as a music or live theatre
       venue.  They also intend to refurbish the old
       Marina Theatre at Roseberry.

       BINGARA: The  Bingara Roxy Greek
       with a variety of functions including forums
       about Greek-run theatres and cafes.
       LEICHARDT: Leichhardt’s  Palace Norton
       Street Cinemas are now fully refurbed and
       now have eight auditoria, all licensed, and an
       impressive foyer with a lounge bar and café.

       NEWCASTLE: A $400 million development
       announced for the Newcastle CBD will feature  RICHMOND:  Additional screens are to be
       a world class entertainment precinct that will  added to the Regent Twin Cinemas.
       include new cinemas. The project is a venture
       between GPT and the NSW Government’s  ORANGE: The  $3.5  million  transformation
       Urban Growth NSW. The development will also  of the vacant Australia Cinema into a church
       feature up to 500 apartments, retail precinct,  has been held up over council contention about
       FDIH  DQG  GLQLQJ  VWULS  DQG  FRPPHUFLDO  RI¿FH  demolishing the existing frontage and awning
       zone.                               and replacing it with a modern glass façade.
       WYONG: A $6 million cinema complex is to
       be built by Wyong Council which will then be
       leased to Metro Cinemas to operate.

       MANLY: Closed since last September, Manly
       Cinemas  DUH  KRSLQJ  WR  ¿QG  D  QHZ  KRPH  WR  GLENORCHY: A pop-up Drive-In Theatre in
       relocate the business to. Hopefully a much  the centre of the Hobart Showgrounds had its
       larger space that will allow for the possible  ¿UVW VFUHHQLQJ RQ $SULO    1DPHG McDonalds
       construction of four to six screens.  Movies  due to sponsorship by the fast-food
                                           chain, capacity is for some 270 vehicles in
       RUTHERFORD:  The site of the former  IURQW RI D   PHWUH /('  KLJK GH¿QLWLRQ  ZLQG
       Westside Drive-In Theatre off Anambah Road  resistant screen.
       has been redeveloped as a housing estate with
       Niven, Cagney, Hepburn, Deitrich, Fonda,   EĞǁƐƌĞĞů  ŽŶƚƌŝďƵƟŽŶƐ ĂƌĞ ŵŽƐƚ ǁĞůĐŽŵĞ͘
       Hayworth, Bergman etc.              Thanks to: Brian Hunt; Robert Parkinson; Roderick
                                           Smith; Crosley Carpenter; Simon McLaughlin; Paul               See the
       MIRANDA:  The redevelopment of the   EŝĐŚŽůƐŽŶ͖  ŽůŝŶ &ůŝŶƚ͖ <ĞǀŝŶ  ĚĂŵƐ͖ DŝŬĞ dƌŝĐŬĞƩ͖            Regal story
       :HVW¿HOG  6KRSSLQJ  &HQWUH  ZLOO  LQFOXGH  D       dŽŶLJ  ƌĂǁĨŽƌĚ͖ /ĂŶ tŝůůŝĂŵƐ ĂŶĚ ŵĂŶLJ ŽƚŚĞƌƐ͘    from Page
       screen multiplex for Event Cinemas.
       GRAFTON: Angelo Notarus from the Saraton
       Theatre was awarded the Order of  Australia
       award in this year’s Honours list.
       DUBBO: Opened in 1999, and converted to
       digital last November, Reading Cinemas have
       announced their intention to close their cinema
       complex on April 30 due to high rent. All seats,
       carpets and equipment will be removed in
       May before their lease ends in June. The RSL
       Club are considering re-opening their  Orana
       Cinema for screenings if the city is left without
       D ¿OP YHQXH

       BIRMINGHAM GARDENS: After  some
       years of closure, the  Regal Cinema has been
       refurbished and re-opened on February 21.
                            (See story page 36).

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