Page 8 - CinemaRecord #81
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n October 1930 Herbert  Wyndham Jones,  This tactic created many a headache for the
                                           Istorekeeper, leased the Corrimal  Princess  FRXQFLO DQG -RQHV  ¿UVWO\ EHFDXVH WKH FRXQFLO¶V
                                           Theatre, Princes Highway from owner Mrs  exhibition licence had not been endorsed by
                                           W J Jeffery. Extensive renovations allowed  the new  Theatres and Films Commission yet
                                           screenings to commence on 1 November, and so  to be established under the recently amended
                                           began 73 years of cinema operation by the Jones  Theatres and Public Halls Act.
                                           family in and around Wollongong.     Secondly when the Commission was hastily set
                                                                                XS WR FRQVLGHU WKLV LWV ¿UVW FDVH LQ 0D\
                                           In 1934 Jones bought a block of land on the  objections were raised by Wollongong Theatres
                                           eastern side of Keira Street,  Wollongong  (refer CinemaRecord, Issue 77).
                                           (between Crown and Market Streets) but it was
                                           not until 1936 that he advertised establishment  By October 1939 the council received the
                                           of South Coast Theatres Pty Ltd for the purpose  necessary endorsement and Jones opened the
                                           of erecting on the site a picture theatre that  renamed  Civic Theatre on the 5th October
                                           “will be of the latest design, modern in every  following minor moderations by Crick and
                                           particular.                          Furse.
                                           Special features will be the approach,
                                           comfortable seating, spacious lounges, winter  In the meantime Jones informed the Chief
        Herbert Wyndham Jones.
                                           garden, and ultramodern lighting effects.  Secretary that legal shenanigans over the
                                            The auditorium being set back from Keira  council’s theatre had further prevented his
                     ŽƌƌŝŵĂů WƌŝŶĐĞƐƐ ŝŶ ůĂƚĞƌ LJĞĂƌƐ͘
                                           6WUHHW  ZLOO  HOLPLQDWH  WUDI¿F  QRLVHV   ,W  LV  persevering with the Keira Street proposal. By
                                           proposed to extend the operations of the  November 1939 he could more legitimately
                                           Company on the South Coast after the theatre  claim that he could not proceed due to the
                                           is well established”.                intervention of World War 2.
                                           The company prospectus included an impression
                                           of the theatre’s courtyard and auditorium  Jones did not live to see the Keira Street project
                                           H[WHULRU E\ 6\GQH\ DUFKLWHFW 5HJLQDOG 0DJRI¿Q   completed since he died in March 1943. His
                                                                                wife, Emily Vaughan and son Maurice took over
                                           In late 1938, Jones informed the NSW Chief  the business and four years later successfully
                                           conditions had prevented work commencing.  proposal.
                                           Then in early 1939 in the absence of his own
                                           structure, Jones saw an opportunity of exhibiting
                                           in Wollongong by submitting a tender to lease
                                           Wollongong council’s  Town Hall  Theatre in
                                           Kembla Street.

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        The Jones family.

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