Page 3 - CinemaRecord Cover Section # 45
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Looking Forward

                                                    Colour in this issue is to celebrate 15 eventful years and your committee’s
                                                 optimism for the future. The photos were generously provided by our patron Elaine
                                                 Marriner, a reminder of Melbourne’s rich theatre heritage and our appreciation of it.
                                                    CATHS meetings, social functions and interstate trips show the effectiveness of
                                                 interaction amongst members. Like all specialized interests the history of theatre and
                                                 cinema needs careful promotion. Readers of On Stage, members of the Art Deco
                                                 Society and TOSA share many of our interests and the possibilities for more
           The official journal of the Cinema And  collaboration need to be explored. Articles reprinted from On Stage to
               Theatre Historical Society Inc.
                                                 CinemaRecord are one example where this occasionally happens. Collaboration with
           ISSN 1443-3664 • Published quarterly
                                                 the Art Deco Society on a theatres seminar is another idea in the discussion stage.
                                                    Introducing the next generation to our interests is important. Somewhere out
                      Editor: Ian Smith
                            ★                    there are young advocates for the twin cinema and the multiplex. They need to be
                  CinemaRecord Artwork:          encouraged to share their ideas with us.
              Bill Kerr, Optimum Design 9419 4144   Your Committee is working with the Prahran Mechanics Institute to ensure the
                                                 long term future of the Archive. Theatres, cinema buildings and programs change
              The main aim of CATHS and this
                                                 to meet public demand and CATHS must be ready to evolve too. The CATHS web
           publication is to accurately document and
           create an archive of the history of   site is a source of pride and a conduit to those of like interests around the world.
           cinemas and theatres.                 In this issue you will read how one person reached us because of our web site.
              Input in the form of articles,
                                                    The web site of the International Cinerama Society ( now
           constructive criticism, and substantiated
                                                 includes Eric White’s article Cinerama at the Plaza. Some of our members attend
           dispute of printed matter is welcome, and
           necessary to enable us to reach our   the Bradford Wide Screen Festival (UK) and conclaves of the Theatre Historical
           objective.                            Society of the USA. In 2006 CATHS will be hosting an international tour group.
              Opinions expressed are those of the
                                                 These linkages can only make us stronger. Onward to the next 15 years.
           Editor or contributors, and unless
                                                     – Gerry Kennedy, President
           expressly stated so, are not necessarily
           those of the Cinema And Theatre
           Historical Society Inc.
              Articles printed in CinemaRecord          NOW SHOWING!
           should not be reproduced without the
           permission of the author or the editor.
              All photos are from the collection of
           the person or organisation stated. Every  4  Letters
           effort has been made to trace the
           ownership of copyright. In the event of  5  Newsreel
           any questions arising as to the use of any
           material, the author and publisher will be  8  CATHS Turns 15 - Fred Page
           happy to make the necessary corrections
           in future printings.                  10   Ivanhoe Paradiso - Clyde Simpson
              Contributions and suggestions for
                                                 14   Australia’s Movietone News - Chris Long
           CinemaRecord are most welcome. Please
           contact the Editor if you are planning
                                                 22   Through The Porthole - Clyde Simpson, Ross King
           to write an article for the magazine.
           We may be able to assist you with
                                                 26   The Road to Gisborne - Brian Hunt
           information, contacts, etc and it will help
           us with forward planning.             28   A Waltz Around Melbourne - Ian Smith
                     Contact: Ian Smith
               Telephone: 5443 0692 (1-9pm)        Images in this publication are from CATHS Archive unless credited to another source.
                Postal Address: PO Box 476,      Cover and inside: Something to shout about! A selection of photos from the
                  Bentleigh, Victoria, 3204      restored Regent Collins Street and Princess Spring Street, by courtesy of
                                                 Mrs. Elaine Marriner.

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