Page 4 - CinemaRecord Cover Section # 45
P. 4

First Impressions

                                            Letters                            members for an extremely interesting
                                                                                  I would like to thank CATHS

                                                                               morning on June 27 when I attended
                                                                               my first meeting as a new member.
                  ABN 37 195 378 179                                           The friendly welcome, the efficient,
                    Reg A0020747R           Port Melbourne Memories
                                               I knew manager Bill Rayment of the  yet relaxed manner in which President
           The aims of CATHS are: to record the                                Gerry Kennedy conducted the
           history of cinemas and theatres, and to  Eclipse Port Melbourne very well
           promote interest in theatre heritage and  (CinemaRecord 44). He was there when  meeting, the brilliant guest speakers,
           architecture, and other related areas.  I was at the Shore Williamstown. Bill  the obvious enthusiasm of the
                       Patrons:             was a showman and he had his own   members and the screening of an
           Frank Van Straten OAM  Peter Smith  agenda when it came to certain things. I  episode of Congo Bill all made for a
           Elaine Marriner      Philip Brady                                   highly entertaining three hours.
                                            can well imagine him arranging an
                     Committee:             encore of Johnnie Ray.                I will certainly be making the trip
           President: Gerry Kennedy 5174 1870  Hoyts had strict guidelines for their  up from Geelong for future meetings as
           Vice President: Peter Wolfenden 9744 2570  theatre managers. How they behaved and  much as possible.
           Secretary: Mike Trickett 5278 1986  ran their theatres was very important, but  Dick Twentyman, Geelong
           Treasurer: Barrie Wraith 9435 9785  we were all open to 'short-cuts' if we  A Comment from the
                         ★                  could get away with them.
                                                                               International Cinerama Society.
           Archivist: Gerry Kennedy 5174 1870  When I was at Williamstown, I      Congratulations on the article on the
           Central Victoria Co-ordinator:   lived in North Balwyn and travelled by  Plaza and Cinerama in Oz.
           Fred Page 5444 0428  (Bendigo)   public transport. My projectionist had a
           Gippsland Co-ordinator:                                             (CinemaRecord 43.) It’s a cracker. The
           Gerry Kennedy 5174 1870  (Traralgon)  car and after the show he always took  article explained something to me.
           Events Co-ordinator:             me into the City where I caught a tram  Until this article, I had only heard
           Brian Miller 9557 7446           home to North Balwyn. Well, what with  rumours of the ‘magic cleaning fluid’
           Film Buffs Group:                late finishes, double bills, news,
           Mike Trickett 5278 1986          trailers, shorts etc. the show rarely  for the prints. In London the prints
           Publications Sales:                                                 were looked after by Charlie Sweeney,
           Garry Saunders 9812 7227         came out before 11.10pm and that was  Assistant Chief Engineer, Cinerama
           Membership Secretary: Peter O’Reilly  cutting it fine to get home.   Europe, who made them his personal
          I often arranged for the projectionist  responsibility. He had a special room
           CinemaRecord Editor:             to start a few minutes early, cut the
           Ian Smith                        interval short and drop a trailer or two,  backstage, dedicated to print handling.
                                                  On page five of the same issue, the
           CATHS website:                   so that we could finish earlier. I would  report of the closure of Hoyts Regent,
                  have been in deep trouble if found out;  Cinema One Adelaide, reminded me
           Postal address:                  a Hoyts manager didn’t have the    that this theatre was also a potential
           PO Box 476, Bentleigh 3204.      authority to do those things. As it was, I
                                                                               Cinerama theatre. Single projection
                         ★                  never got home until around 12.45am
                                                                               70mm Cinerama was installed when the
                                            each night.
           Membership                                                          theatre was twinned in 1968.
           Annual membership subscription is $35,  Eventually I was moved to the  According to my records, the
           and members receive four copies of  Ivanhoe Theatre. I had an old A model  Cinerama screen (120 degrees) was
           CinemaRecord, notification of events,  Ford by that time, so things were a lot
                                                                               removed on 14 October 1986.
           and copies of the agenda and minutes  different.
                                                                               Apparently the theatre never screened
           of all meetings. There is no joining fee.  Gordon Onans, North Balwyn  an official Cinerama release.
           Overseas subscribers: Please contact
           CATHS Membership Secretary for rate.  Double Bill                   Keith Swadkins, Cheshire, England
           Meetings                            Mention of the rival Port theatre in  About the Embassy.
           Meetings are held on the last Sunday of  the article on the Eclipse Port  The review of Picture Palaces Of
           February, April, June, August, October &  Melbourne (CinemaRecord 44),  Melbourne (Issue 44) queried whether
           November.                        reminded me of a family story. My  the Embassy was opposite the My Fair
           Archive                          mother’s family knew the captain of the  Lady Theatre (100 Bourke St,
           The Archive is located in the Prahran  Bay steamer Hygea. The captain’s
                                                                               Melbourne). It was in fact, in the same
           Mechanics’ Institute, 140 High Street  family also ran the Port theatre. Mum
                                                                               building, separated by a driveway that
           Prahran, 9510 3393. The Archive will  and her sisters would get free trips  serviced a car-park overhead.
           be open between 9.30am and 1pm on  around the Bay followed by a free
           the Saturday before each meeting (see  ticket to the pictures.         The Fink/Lieberman/Birch group
           above), and at other times by       The return to Station Pier was timed  purchased a department store and
           appointment with the archivist.                                     converted it to two theatres - My Fair
                                            to enable the locals to make it to the
           Publications                                                        Lady seating about 800 and Embassy
                                            theatre for the evening show.
           Back issues of CinemaRecord, other                                  seating about 400. The My Fair Lady
                                            Ross King, Essendon.
           publications, CDs and videos are                                    was renamed Palladium after My Fair
           available at meetings. Items are also                               Lady finished its long run. Construction
           available by mail. Please contact Garry                             and fit-out was done ‘on the cheap,’
           Saunders on 9812 7227 for details.                                  with both cinemas curtained all around
                                                                               with suit lining!
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